Wicker Homes Group

9 Date night ideas for busy parents in Loudoun County

If life as a busy parent is bearing down on you and your partner, then going on regular date nights may just be the thing to reduce the stress and spice up your relationship. Admittedly though, coming up with ideas for date night during COVID can be challenging.

To help you out, we’ve come up with several interesting date night ideas (plus practical workarounds) that are both romantic and doable in Loudoun County, VA.

Dates can be arranged during the day

The veil of darkness at night may be more conducive to romance during and after a date but even the daytime provides opportunities to bond with your partner. All you need to do is to find those short magic moments in between your kids’ daily schedules and use these to have micro-dates.

Here are some micro-date suggestions:

Enlist the help of trusted loved ones

Good babysitters are hard to come by these days, so it’s best to entrust babysitting duties to extended family or friends you can trust. Not only does this give you and your partner at least one full day of uninterrupted time together but this will also allow the children to have their own quality time with people who are special to them.

Indulge yourselves in any of these lovely one-day-only treats:

Book date nights well ahead of schedule

For an uber-special date night, make sure to plan it ahead of time. This is especially crucial for significant dates like your anniversary or your partner’s birthday. One caveat though: if you book too far in advance, something urgent may come up and force you to cancel at the last minute. That’s why it’s best to be mindful of expectations and outcomes. You may even want to have a Plan B or Plan C just in case your original plan falls through the cracks.

Here are some great date night ideas:

Date night success!

Finding ways to keep your love alive is easy here in Loudoun County, where there are many places to visit and things to do for a romantic getaway. And if you want to find out more about both lifestyle and real estate opportunities here, talk to us – the Wicker Homes Group – at 571.338.3880 or send an email to debbiewicker(at)wickerhomes(dotted)com.

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