Wicker Homes Group

Electronics recycling & hazardous waste removal in Loudoun County, VA

Electronics recycling & hazardous waste

Back in 2017, research from the IDC or International Data Corporation and Facebook revealed that 80% of smartphone users checked their phone within 15 minutes of waking up. Imagine what the stats are today.

We reach for our phones to turn off the alarm, check our messages, or see what’s new on social media. We barely think about the volume of information we can summon on the devices we hold in our hands – and can’t imagine life without them either.

Just a little more than decade ago, it boggled the mind that we could make phone calls and send text messages to people at the press of a few buttons. Now, we upgrade our phones every year or so in favor of new features that will probably be out of date in less than six months. Where, then, do we store or get rid of our discarded gadgets?

We might chuck them in a random drawer, never to be seen again. Or, hand them down to someone in the family. We could also sell them online. Or, just throw them away.

However, simply getting rid of your electronic waste (or E-waste) poses a hazard to our health and environment. While most gadgets and their parts may be recycled with minimal risk, it’s still essential to send discarded tech to the proper recycling facilities to be processed correctly.

The same goes for other hazardous materials you may want to dispose of. These are generally items that contain parts or materials that are harmful to humans, pets, or the environment. Many are present in your household, including batteries, chemicals, fluorescent bulbs, items containing mercury, oil-based paint, solvents, herbicides, pesticides, kerosene, and more.

Haphazard disposal can pose a significant risk to your family, your neighborhood, and the environment for longer than you might think. So, it’s important to know the proper steps to safely discard what may look like harmless junk.

If you’re searching for facilities that accept items for electronic recycling and hazardous waste management in Loudoun County, we’ve got you covered:

Where to send your electronic waste

Where to send your hazardous waste

How to dispose of items that don’t qualify for household hazardous waste events

While it’s convenient to have drop-off centers and waste collection events, some specialized items need to be disposed of differently. To find out where to surrender these items refer to this page for more details.

While it takes more time to get rid of the items listed above, it’s the extra step that will help secure a safer and healthier environment for all.

Need more information to help your relocation to Loudoun County, VA? Our real estate professionals at the Wicker Homes Group are backed by over 30 years of real estate experience. We take great pride in serving LoCo homebuyers and sellers, making us one of the highest selling real estate teams in the area. Give us a call at 571.338.3880 or send us a message here. We would love to help you fall in love with Loudoun County too!

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